Based on the analysis of the state-of-the-art of freely distributed software tools for microscopic atomistic, mesoscopic kinetic and macroscopic continual modeling of radiation effects, a set of programs for multiscale computer modeling of radiation-induced changes in the structure of materials and the evolution of their surface under irradiation was identified and allocated in the SPE RESST.

Fig. 1 – Diagram of the spatiotemporal scales of multilevel modeling and the corresponding methods and models
The software suite (see Figure 2) consists of the Sandia LAMMPS molecular dynamics simulation package, the Sandia SPPARKS kinetic Monte Carlo simulation code, and the FreeFEM++ finite element simulation software. It is integrated with the SPE RESST in-house developed codes RPT 3.1 and MICKSER for simulation of radiation transport in matter and calculations of the primary radiation damage of materials, and also provides integration with the ab initio modeling software packages NWChem and CP2K.

Fig. 2 – Diagram of the SPE RESST created software suite for multiscale modeling and simulation of the radiation impact on materials
The created software suite is supposed to be applied for the input/output data coordinated multiscale modeling of…

In 2016, the software package and the methodology for its use were worked out on the actual practical example of multiscale modeling of the processes of plasma-chemical synthesis of Graphane, an innovative functional nanomaterial based on Graphene.