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Completion of the integrated concept of HSGC (Hydrogen Sulfide Generating Complexes) for the comprehensive utilization of the Black Sea hydrogen sulfide resources of the coastal zone of the Crimea for energy production and hydrogen fuel [1(2006), 11(2007), 13(2009)]. |
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Main characteristics of the developed concept HSGC: |
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power capacity: up to 40 MW/m2; |
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the possibility of obtaining polymeric sulfur in the catalytic decomposition of hydrogen sulfide: up to 1.7 kg/h |
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reserves of hydrogen sulfide in the depths of the Black Sea (from 150 ... 200 m to 2 km) are according to various estimates from 1012 to 1013 m3; |
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the annual accumulation of free hydrogen sulphide from precipitation into sea water, calculated on pure Н2S, is estimated at approximately 5,58×106 tons per year; |
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developed gas-lift equipment [1(2006), 11(2007), 13(2009)] for raising hydrogen sulfide water to a technological height of 3 ... 7.5 m, provides production of hydrogen sulfide up to 2000 l/min from 1 m2 surface. The rate of supply of sea water to the specified altitude is 0.05 m3/s. The basis for these unique developments is the created and patented effective way of lifting hydrogen sulfide water from deep seams, based on the principle of a fountain rise [6(Patents)]. |
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Within the framework of the system analysis of the developed concept of HSGC, the main environmental risks from the introduction of hydrogen sulfide technologies and ways to prevent them are identified [43(2010)]. |
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Preventing of formation of waste of process of exception of hydrogen sulfide of sea water |
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An original ecologically impeccable method of preventing the danger from water with a low hydrogen sulphide content is proposed. It consists of draining water in the sea to a depth at which the hydrogen sulphide content corresponds to the residual contamination of water. This method involves the use of heat pumps, which will bring the temperature of hydrogen-depleted water in accordance with the temperature of the formation in which it is injected. |
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Prevention of process losses |
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It is proposed to minimize the technological losses in performing thermocatalytic radiolysis at relatively low temperatures (~200°С) [17(2006)]. |
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Avoidance of emergency emissions and emergence of unforeseen situations |
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The need to create a network of modern automated high-sensitivity sensors for the concentration of hydrogen sulphide in water and air is noted. |
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Duplication of main pipelines for the collection of hydrogen sulfide water from the sea depths and for pumping water depleted of hydrogen sulphide into the corresponding deep seams. Duplication includes both the pipelines themselves and the protective layers in each of the multilayer pipes. |
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Thus, the use of technical solutions proposed by the robots [1(2006), 11(2007), 13(2009), 17(2006)] from the fountain rise of hydrogen sulfide waters from the depth and integrated use of the energy resources of hydrogen sulfide and target components, its division into useful chemical compounds, combined with the consideration of environmental requirements at each stage of development, as well as the specified systemic ways of preventing environmental risks, can ensure all stages of the development and safe implementation of complex technical problems in the field of Persian Ukraine is interested in hydrogen sulphide energy. |