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A series of phenomenological models for the theoretical description of ion implantation into crystals was developed. The models correctly consider the kinetics of ion channeling and the influence of the implanted beam induced radiation damage of a target on the implantation profiles. |
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The models describe well the implantation profiles under different implantation conditions and are verified on the bulk of experimental and mathematical simulation data (Fig.1-3); |
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Fig. 1 – Implantation profiles versus the energy |
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Fig. 2 – Implantation profiles versus the dose |
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Fig. 3 – Implantation profiles versus the orientation |
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The models are applicable for the optimization of industrial implantation technologies in micro- and nanoelectronics and in simulation experiments of radiation damage physics and materials science using the heavy ion accelerators; |
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The models open unique possibilities of experimental measurements on the fundamental parameters specifying the kinetics of directional effects (for example, the dechanneling lengths of low- and medium-energy ions) (Fig.4). |
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Fig. 4 – Directional dependencies of dechanneling lengths of ions |